Monday , 13 January 2025

Preparation, Standardization and In Vitro anti-arthritic evaluation of poly herbal formulation

Gollapalli Divya Mounika*, Y. Prapurna Chandra, C. Madhavi Latha
Department of Pharmacology, Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, Pidathapolur (V&P), Muthukur (M), SPSR Nellore District – 524 346

A b s t r a c t
The present study is to formulate an ayurvedic capsule for treatment of arthritis. The formulated capsules are evaluated as per WHO guidelines and also performed pharmacological activity. The objectives of the study were Raw material analysis Studying the raw materials or ingredients of the formulation by carrying out the Preliminary raw materials analysis. Preformulation development: To formulate a capsule with six herbs by using preformulation studies. Standardization of the best batches: To standardise the physico-chemical parameters of the capsule. To analyse and quantify of the presence of phytoconstituents in the capsule. To analyse the fingerprint using HPTLC for the polyherbal formulation. Establishing the safety pertaining to heavy metals, pesticide residue and microbial load analysis. Stability studies: Establishing stability of the formulation under accelerated condition of Temperature and humidity as per ICH guidelines.

Keywords: WHO guidelines, ICH guidelines, HPTLC, preformulation studies

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