V. Sharmila1, Nagaraju, M. Kulkarni2, Gampa Vijay Kumar3
1KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
2Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
3Professor and Head Department of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
Int. J. Cur. Tren. Pharm. Res., 2020, 8(4): 110-115
Heart attack, also called myocardial infarction (MI), and related complications are the main causes of deaths throughout the world. The use of herbal antioxidants is increasing as defensive agents against number of cardiovascular abnormalities. Developing countries are reliant on medicinal plants as their main source of treatment for diseases. As Tribulus Terrestris have the native habitat the production is more so it is locally available cost effective with no side effects. As Tribulus Terrestris is cost effective and beneficiary in metabolism of cholesterol, so it has been taken in to consideration in order “To evaluate cardio protective activity of Methanolic Extract of Tribulus Terrestris. From the experimental studies carried out on aqueous methanolic extract of Tribulus Terrestris seeds at two different doses (250mg/kg, 500mg/kg) showed dose dependent cardio protective activity with Doxorubicin-induced cardio toxicity. The higher dose 500mg/kg showed significant protective activity compared to low dose 250mg/kg. Further studies should be carried out to isolate the potential chemical constituents of aqueous ethanolic extract of Tribulus Terrestris seeds and to find its mechanism of action in the treatment.
Keywords: Tribulus Terrestris, cardio protective etc.