Thursday , 25 July 2024

Tag Archives: In-silico

Evaluation of In-Vitro Cytotoxic Potential of Ficus Benghalensis Tender Prop Roots Extract

Shaik Waseem Hussain1*, Y. Prapurna Chandra2, Venugopalaiah. Penabaka3 1PG Research Scholar, Department of Pharmacology, Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, Nellore, A.P. 2Professor & HOD, Department of Pharmacology, Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, Nellore, A.P. 3Asso.Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, Nellore, A.P. A  B S T R A C T Introduction: Cancer can be defined as the abnormal, excessive, uncontrolled ... Read More »

Synthesis and In-silico Studies of Novel Methylene Bridge Derivatives of Anthracene

G.T. Roopesh*, N. Sreelekha, P. Susmitha, P. Pallavi, M. Maniteja, B. Swapna Balaji college of pharmacy, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Ananthapuramu, A.P, India. A B S T R A C T The present work was aimed to Synthesise and carryout Insilico studies of Methylene Bridge Derivatives of anthracene. Anthracene is mainly converted to anthraquinone, a precursor to dyes. The anthracene ... Read More »

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