Wednesday , 18 September 2024

Prevalence of Drug-Drug Interactions in Hypertensive Patients in Secondary Care Teaching Hospital

D. Priyanka*, S. Swathi, B. Roopini, Dr. T. Rajavardhana, Dr. J.T. Rudra, Dr. V. Sreedhar
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Balaji College of Pharmacy, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh-515002, India

A drug-drug interaction (DDI) occurs when two (or more) drugs are administered concomitantly and another one, with the result of either increasing or decreasing the effect of the object drug, or producing a new and unanticipated effect (1), alters the pharmacological effects of one drug. Drug-Drug Interactions are considered to be beneficial or harmful and depend on several factors related to the type of medication, the patient or the conditions under which the medication is used (2). The harmful consequences of Drug-Drug Interactions range from minor morbidities to fatal consequences. Out of 100 hypertensive patients 37 peoples are suffering from diabetes mellitus and 28 peoples are suffering from chronic kidney disease and 100 out of hypertensive patients 31 peoples are suffering from congestive cardiac failure and 40 peoples are suffer from stoke where different age group peoples suffer from dislipidemia and 100 out of 15 peoples where suffering from others. There were more Males than females. Males were 52 whereas females were 48. This is consistent with other studies among hypertensive patients that have been done in the Eastern African regions, which showed that males were more likely to be hypertensive and therefore be on antihypertensive medication than females (6). The community pharmacist is in a good position to create more awareness about drug interactions by conducting educational workshops our results shows that there is a significant difference between both the clinical relevant and economical outcomes ex: Enalapril and Hydrochlorothiazide.
Keywords: Drug-Drug interactions, hypertension, angiotension converting enzymes, prescriptions, captopril

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