Wednesday , 15 January 2025

Pharmaceutical Effect of Biological Extracts Depends on Its Structural and Chemical Configuration: A Review

Ganguly Subha*
AICRP on Post Harvest Technology (ICAR), Department of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, 5, Budherhat Road, P.O. Panchasayar, Chakgaria, Kolkata-700094, WB, India

This review is constructed with the aim of highlighting the chemical structure influencing the pharmaceutical and biochemical effect of purified β-glucan from an edible mushroom as an immunomodulator on the innate immune responses in broiler Also, mushroom glucan as a feed supplement significantly provides protection against disease. This article portrays the chemical potentiality of β-glucan (mushroom origin) as an immunostimulant in poultry.Immunomodulator stimulates leucocytes, particularly cells of the macrophage system and modulates and potentiates the immune system of the body. It has been recommended earlier that the constant addition of immunomodulators to feed is beneficial for prevention of diseases. One of such immunostimulant compound is β-Glucan, polymers of glucose which consists of a linear backbone of β-1, 3 linked D- glucopyranosyl residues having varying degree of branching from the C6 position. 
Key words: Fungus, Chicken, Immunomodulator, Yeast

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