Monday , 16 September 2024

Investigation of Cardio Protective Activity of Ethanolic Extracts of Euryale Ferox Seeds in Rats

Dhanaboina Mahesh, Murali Sollu, Gampa Vijay Kumar 
KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally Vill, Kesara Mdl, Medchal-501301, Telangana, India

Medicinal plants and plant derived products are used as medicines in a large group of world population. Euryale ferox. (Family – Nymphaeaceae) is used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of various diseases.  As Euryale ferox seeds have the native habitat the production is more so it is locally available cost effective with no side effects. Doxorubicin forms an iron anthracyclin complex that generates free radicals, which in turn causes severe damage to the plasma membrane that results in further increase in LDH, CK-MB and SGOT levels in blood. Pretreatment with Euryale Ferox seeds Ethanolic extract produced significant decrease in LDH, CK-MB and SGOT levels indicating the protective effect of cardiac tissue. Heart tissue is especially susceptible to free radical injury because of low levels of free radical detoxifying enzymes like CAT and GSH. On Doxorubicin treatment a dose dependent decrease in CAT and GSH levels were observed due to its accumulation in the heart tissue. Pretreatment with Euryale Ferox seeds Ethanolic extract produced significant (<0.01) increase in CAT and GSH levels in dose dependent manner, thus indicating that the antioxidant status is improved on extract treatment. The Histopathological report of hearts treated with Doxorubicin (15mg/kg, i.p) produced focal cardiocyte degeneration with patch inflammation of lymphocytes and mild interstitial fibrosis. But, pretreatment with 150mg/kg, 300mg/kg and 600mg/kg doses plant extract showed mild or no degenerative changes when compared with Doxorubicin control group from this experimental and histopathological results indicate that treatments with the Euryale Ferox seeds possess significant cardio protective activity in experiment animals.
Keywords: Euryale Ferox, Myocardial Infarction, Doxorubicin-induced cardio toxicity.

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