K. Deepika1, Y. Sridhar2, Murali Sollu3, Vijay Kumar Gampa4
1KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangan, India.
2Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
3Professor and Head Department of Pharmacy, KGR Institute of Technology and Management, Rampally, Kesara, Rangareddy, Telangana, India.
My present aim was to investigate the anti ulcer activity of Triticumaestivum in rats. Triticumaestivum is rich in phytoconstituents such as Alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds, Carbohydrates, glycosides and steroids. Peptic ulcers are the wounds or lesions caused on the linings of either stomach or intestine. Aspirin (200 mg/kg) was administered to rats for 3 days to induce ulcers by reducing prostaglandin synthesis. Ranitidine (20mg/kg) was used as standard drug. Test doses of ethanolic extract of Triticumaestivum (EETA) 100mg/kg, 200mg/kg were administered to rats. Standard drug and test doses of EETA were administered 30 minutes before aspirin administration and after 24 hours the rats are anaesthetized, dissected and stomach mucosal layer and gastric juice were collected and evaluated for free acidity, total acidity, ulcer index, gastric volume and PH. It was observed that Test dose of EETA, 200mg/kg had shown significant decrease in all above mentioned parameters.
Keywords: Triticumaestivum, Aspirin, Prostaglandins, Ranitidine, Flavonoids, Glycosides etc