Monday , 16 September 2024

In vitro regeneration with callus development of Asparagus racemosus by epicotyledonary node

Bhanwar Lal Jat*1, Raaz K Maheshwari2, Rajesh Lomror3, CR Choudhary4
1Department of Botany, SMRM Govt PG College, Nagaur, Rajasthan, India
2Department of Chemistry, SBRM Govt PG College, Nagaur, Rajasthan, India
3Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh
4Pro-prsidant Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh

Asparagus racemosus Wild (family Asparagaceae; Liliaceae), commonly known as Satawari (Hindi) is a perennial shrub, with a tuberous root-stock, stems covered with recurved spines, linear leaves arranged in a tuft, white flowers and sweet-scented appears in October. The plant occurs throughout India up to 1500 meters elevation. It is a popular vegetable consumedin many parts of the world and grows naturally throughout India,Asia, Australia and Africa. It is recommended in Ayurvedic texts for prevention and treatment of gastric ulcers as galatogogue and nervine tonic. It is commonly used for the treatmentof diarrhoea, dysentery, rheumatism, nervous breakdown, andis thought to be an aphrodisiac (Nadkarni 1976, Chadha 1985).The root of the plant has also been claimed by traditional healersto possess antidiabetic properties.Studies on the extracts of this plant have revealed a widerange of biological activities. Asparagus racemosus seeds were cultured on a basal medium of half strength MS medium with activated charcoal and 3% sucrose, incubated at 25+2˚C and under a light intensity of about 3000 Lux. The seeds were germinated and elongated after 4-5 weeks. The seedlings (epicotyledonary node) were used as explants. The explants (epicotyledonary node) showed swelling at nodal region which was followed by the emergence of shoot buds. Multiple shoot formation was achieved from per-existing meristems of nodal region of explant. The time taken for shoot initiation from explant was independent of growth hormones and nutrient media but the number of shoots per explants was dependant on the concentration of growth hormones (Table-1). The epicotyledonary node explants of Asparagus racemosus were inoculated on MS medium containing BAP with IAA and KIN with NAA or IAA. The number of shoots produced per explants varied in different concentration of plant growth regulator but the time period required for shoot induction in all the treatment was similar. As the KIN concentration increased from 2.32µM to 13.93µM/lit the numbers of shoot buds were also increased. The maximum number of shoots (7.0+0.31shoots with 12.5+0.70mm length) was observed on KIN (13.93µM/lit) with combination of IAA (5.70µM/lit). As far as the effect of various concentration of BAP, and KIN with IAA and NAA on shoots regeneration of explants (epicotyledonary node) of Asparagus racemosus, it was concluded that KIN with combination of IAA were suitable for induction of maximum multiple shoots but the concentration of KIN higher than 13.93µM/lit with IAA 5.70 µM/lit, the shoots number was reduced. On the medium containing KIN 13.93µM/lit and NAA 4.83µM/lit the number of shoot was same but lengths of shoots were decreased. The lower concentration of NAA was ineffective for growth of shoots.
Keywords: Asparagus racemosus, media, in vitro, field evaluation.

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