Thursday , 16 January 2025

Bone Disorder in HIV Infected Patients

About author
College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Abia State University Uturu. Nigeria.
Department of chemical, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi. Nigeria.
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences. Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria.
Department of Medical Biochemistry Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Abia State University Uturu, Nigeria
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences. Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria. 

The study was carried out on 105 subjects to assess the possible derangement of calcium, phosphorous and alkaline phosphatase in HIV patients and to assess the correlation between those on HAARTS and those not on drugs. Thirty five subjects were used for each group including the control. They were of age 20 to 40 years and are within Aba Metropolitan. Blood samples were obtained from subjects in each group. And those on antiretroviral drugs who have been receiving the treatment for more than 3 months. Blood samples were also collected from HIV negative individuals who invariably serve as control. All analysis was based on colorimetric method. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using one-way analysis of variance. The result apparently, showed a significant increase in the activity of Alkaline phosphatase in HIV patients on drugs compared to those not on drugs and control (p<0.05).Noticeable decrease in the level of calcium was observed in HIV patients not on drugs, compared to others. There was a remarkable decrease in the level of phosphate in these patients as well (p<0.05). From the result obtained which obviously indicated osteopenia. Mineral supplementation is essential particularly for those on antiretroviral drugs.
Key words
: Akaline phosphatase, Calcium, phosphate, HIV and AIDS.

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