Wednesday , 15 January 2025

Application of Lipsomes and Nanoliposomes in Food Sector

J. Jayabarath*1, T.Karthick2, M.Aniskumar2, A. Catherin Sangeetha2, E.Menaga2 J.B Jerlin Stephy, R. Mageshwari.
Head*1, Asst. Professor2,Department of Biotechnology,  Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Engineering and Technology, Mathur, Trichy-24, India
NCADDD, 25 July 2014, Organized by Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Anna University, BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli–620024, Tamil Nadu, India

Food nanotechnology is an area of emerging interest and opens up a whole universe of new possibilities for the food industry. The basic categories of nanotechnology applications and functionalities currently in the development of food packaging include, the Incorporation of active components that can deliver functional attributes beyond those of conventional active packaging and the sensing and signaling of relevant information. One such application is liposome and nanoliposome which have been used in food industry to deliver flavours and nutrients and more recently have been investigated for their ability to incorporate antimicrobial activity that could aid in the production of food products against microbial contamination.
Keywords: Lipsome, Nanoliposome, Antimicrobial Activity

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