Wednesday , 18 September 2024

A Prospective Study of Assessment of Anti-Hypertensive Drug Utilization Pattern and Clinical Birth Outcome

Sk. Meharunnisa*, D. Jyothi Reddy, B. Nandini, M. Vivek Patnaik, P. Bindhu Sree, P. Sharon Nicy
Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, Pidathapolur, SPSR Nellore, A.P, India

A b s t r a c t
Introduction: Hypertensive disorders complicate between 5% and 10% of all pregnancies. Pre- eclampsia complicates 2-8% of all pregnancies worldwide. Eclampsia, however, has declined due to improved prenatal care, and the increased use of antenatal therapies (e.g. blood pressure control, magnesium seizure prophylaxis) as well as timely delivery by induction of labor or cesarean section which serves as a cure for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. Aim: To determine the frequency and distribution of different types of anti hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and asses the drug utilization pattern of anti hypertensive drugs in pregnancy & their clinical outcome. Method: A prospective study was conducted over period of six months in inpatient of gynaecology and obstetrics department at ASCR govt hospital Nellore. District (AP). patients are diagnosed as hypertensive disorder of pregnancy were taking demographics, present complaints, gestational age, diagnosis ,blood pressure monitoring, current medications, anti hypertensive medication drugs prescribed, we are collected drug utilization pattern and their clinical outcome checked. Results: A majority of the patients are taken combination therapy(60%),and another patients are taken normal therapy(40%), in this our study methyl dopa is safest drug, and second drug choice is Nifedipine and third drug is labetolol, when ever using of these drug we observed there is no maternal and foetal effects using of these drugs in patients. Conclusion: Whenever using the ARB or ACE blockers in pregnant patients, these type of the drugs produces congential anamolies in pregnant patients.

Keywords: pregnancy in hypertension, eclampsia, preeclampsia, chronic hypertension.

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