Wednesday , 15 January 2025

Prospective Evaluation on Drug Prescribing Pattern and Identification of Incidence of Diseases in Out Patient General Surgery Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Maru Niharika*1, B. Kumar2
Department of Pharmaceutics, Ratnam Institute of pharmacy, Pidathapolur  (V&P), Muthukur (M), SPSR Nellore (Dist) 524346, Andhra Pradesh, India.

The World Health Organization introduced the concept of essential medicines in 1977. Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority health care needs of the population. They are selected with due regard to public health significance, evidence on efficacy and safety, and comparative cost-effectiveness. Written and informed consent was obtain from the patients were included in the study. The research protocol was prepared and submitted to ethical committee and ethical Committee clearance was obtained from institutional human ethics committee permitted to perform the research in the neurology department. In our study 20-30 age patients were more 169 (48.28%) comparing with other age groups. In our study Male patients were more 216 (61.71%) comparing with females. In our study smoking patients were more 145(41.42%) comparing with alcoholic patients. In our study 5,000-10,000 economic patients were more 228 (65.14%) comparing with other income status. In our study Urban locality patients were more (68.28%) comparing with rural locality. In our study Peptic ulcer diagnosed patients were 65 (18.57%) more comparing with other diagnosed cases. In our study NSAID drugs were prescribed more 122 (34.85%) comparing with other drugs. Our study results meet with study conducted by stating that drugs per prescription were high (5.1), which contain antimicrobials in most of the cases (38%), followed by NSAIDs (19.6%), and drugs were given preferably by intravenous route. 

Keywords: Tertiary care, Prescribing Pattern, Diseases and  Surgery.

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