Thursday , 10 October 2024

Prospective Assessment of Drug Utilization Practice of Anti Epileptic Medications in the Management of Epilepsy Associated Comorbidites in a Tertiary Care Hospital

C.L. Sindhura*, B. Kumar, D. Sujana, M. Bhargavi
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, Pidathapolur  (V&P), Muthukur (M), SPSR Nellore (Dist) 524346, Andhra Pradesh, India.

It is a central nervous system condition where the brain experiences recurrent seizures. A seizure is the outward manifestation of the synchronous and excessive excitement of nerve cells. This is a prospective observational study carried out for a period of 6 months. The study was conducted in neurology department in a tertiary care hospital. Written and informed consent was obtain from the patients were included in the study. The duration can varies from type of seizure, affects arms tonic and clonic responses. The prevention of seizures proper diagnosis is essential. In our study 30- 49 age patients were more 94(37.6%) comparing with other age groups. In our study male patients were more 192 (76.8%) comparing with female patients. Our study results complement with study conducted by Henry Daniel raj T et al and indicated that seizures are more common in males comparing with female population. In our study Generalized tonic clonic seizures patients were more 97 (38.8%) comparing with other seizure types. In our study 0-7 days hospital admitted patients were more 92 (36.8%) comparing with other durations. In our study one event frequency of seizure in month patients were more 117 (46.8%) comparing with other frequencies. In our study brain infected etiological factor patients were more 66 (26.4%) comparing with other etiological factors.  In our study epilepsy with schizophrenia co morbidity patients were more 82(32.8%) comparing with other disease co morbidities.
Keywords: Anti Epileptic, Drugs, Comorbidites, Tertiary care hospitals and assessment

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