Saturday , 12 October 2024

Potentiation of Phenobarbitone Induced Hypnosis by Celosia Argentea Leaves

Kadiri Sunil Kumar*, Kalakonda Rajesh, D. Anusha, R. Suthakaran
Vijaya College of Pharmacy, Munaganor, Hayathnagar, Hyderabad-500070, India

The present study was planned with the rationale of evaluating the hypnotic potentiating activity of celosia aregentea (200mg/kg, P.O) leaf methanolic extract against Phenobarbitone induced hypnosis in albino rats. Onset of sleep and Duration of sleep were the parameters measured in rats for the present study. Control group rats exhibited duration of sleep for a period of 871 minutes (14.5 hours) with phenobarbitone 50mg/kg. Rats pretreated with celosia argentea leaves extract exhibited a potentiation in sleep time induced by phenobarbitone with increase in duration of sleep for a period of 1123 minutes (18.71 hours) compared to sleep time in control rats. However celosia argentea leaves hypnotic potentiation effect is less in comparision to standard Clonazepam (0.5mg/kg). Celosia argentea leaves have no effect on the onset of sleep induced by phenobarbitone. onset of sleep was the time elapsed  between administration of phenobarbitone and the loss of lighting reflex, while total sleeping time was measured as the duration between the loss and regain of righting reflex.  Preliminary phytochemical screening of celosia argentea leaves reveals the presence of flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids and steroids in methanolic extract. Hence the following hypnotic potentiating effect of methanolic extract of celosia argentea leaf may be attributed to these active constituents.
Keywords: Celosia argentea, methanolic extract, hypnotic potentiation effect

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