A. Chandrakala*, P. Lakshmi Prasanna
S.V.U College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati
Couroupita guianensis is a type of medicinal plant commonly known as cannonball tree, belongs to family Lecythidaceae. Almost all parts of the tree is used traditionally for treating various ailments. The whole plant of Couroupita guianensis has several biological activities such as the Hypolipidimic, antimicrobial, antiulcer, antiinflammatory, antinociceptive, anthelmintic, antiulcer, antioxidant, antipyretic, antiarthritic, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antistress, antidiarrheal, insecticidal, anxiolytic, ovicidal, antidepressant, antifertility, antibiofilm, neuropharmacological, wound healing, vermicopositng, allopathic and hepatoprotective activities. It is also used in traditional medicines to treat various diseases such as gastritis, scabies, bleeding piles, dysentery, scorpion poision etc., Couroupita guianensis is a ever green tree native to tropical northern America, southern Caribbean and India. In India, it has religious significance and it can be seen in Shiva temples and it is known as Mallikarjuna flowers in telugu. In the present study the comprehensive study about the phytochemistry, pharmacological activities and the bioactive compounds of Couroupita guianensis can be performed.
Keywords: Couroupita guianensis, antioxidant activity, hypolipidimic activity, antimicrobial activity, immunomodularoty activity.