Wednesday , 15 January 2025

Neuroprotective Effect of Walsura Piscidia Implications for Dementia of Alzheimer’s type using Female Albino Wistar Rats

P. Indiramma, B. Kumar*
Department of Pharmacology, Ratnam institute of Pharmacy, Pidathapolur, Muthukur, Nellore

The present study was to evaluate the Anti-dementic effect of walsura piscidia on scopolamine induced female albino wistar rats. Animals were grouped into normal, control, standard, test1 and test2.Except the normal group all the other groups received scopolamine in at dose of 0.2mg/kg by sub cutaneousely for 14 days. Normal group received distilled water orally. Ethanolic extract of walsura piscidia was fed to the rats at dose range between 200-400mg/kg,p.o. Piracetam was used as standared nootropic agent. Learning and memory parameters were evaluated using the Radial arm maze task. Biochemical estimation of acetyl cholinesterase, malondialdehyde, glutathione-S-transferase and super oxidedismutase were performed to estimate the level of cholinergic status, lipid peroxidation and degree of oxidative stress. It was observed that ehanolic extract of walsura piscidia had a significant role in the management of dementia. There was a significant difference between the control and walsura treated group in this study.   

Keywords: Walsura piscidia, female wistar albino rats, scopolamine, piracetam, learning and memory parameter.

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