Friday , 17 January 2025

Advancements of Diagnosing the River Blindness

V. Saichitra Prathyusha*
Ratnam Institute of Pharmacy, Pidathapolur, Muthukur, Nellore-524346

Riverblindness  is  also  called  onchocerciasis . It   has historically   been one of the leading causes of infectious blindness worldwide. It is endemic  to  tropical  regions  both in Africa  and latin  amercia  and  in the   yemen . onchocerciasis  is caused  by infecrtion  waith the filarial  parasite onchocerca volvulus.  The infection is spread through the bites of an insect vector, black flies of   the    genus  simulium  . in Africa , the major vectors are members  of the sdamnosum complex,  wahile numerous species  serve as vectors of the parasite  in latin  amercia. It is a neglected tropical  disease  which is  in disperate  need of a therapeuhic revolution. Its  pathology,  whose  saymptoms  are anchodermatitis,   musculoskeletal pain  and   various  stages  of blindness  , is  a result of the deataha of the microfilariae   in the  sakin and eyes  , the emergence of ivermectin  rasistance inastifices the  crucial need to identify new  drug  targets  and agents  that  can effectively  treat onchocerciasis.
Keywords: Neglected tropical diseases, Onchocerciasis, onchocerca volvulus, Ivermectin, chitinaasae, scaffold  hopping.

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