Thursday , 16 January 2025

A Phytopharmacological Review of Bidens Pilosa

G. Sindhu*, A. Sreehasa, J. Divya, T. Usha Kiran Reddy, K. Muni Raja Lakshmi, Ch. Appa Rao
S.V.U College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati

Bidens Pilosa is a representative perennial herb, globally distributed among temperate and tropical regions. Major chemical constituents (including 301 compounds) belonging to polyacetylenes, polyacetylene glycosides, flavonoids, flavone glycosides, aurones, chalcones, okanin glycosides, phenolic acids, terpenes, pheophytins, fatty acids and phytosterols have been identified or isolated from the different parts of this plant.It has been reported to possess effective pharmacological properties like antibacterial activity, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic activity, antimalarial activity, T helper cell modulator, immunosuppressive antihyperglycemic, anti-hypertensive, antiulcerogenic, hepatoprotective, anti-leukemic, anticancer, antipyretic, anti-viral, anti-angiogenic, antirheumatic, antibiotic. The traditional use of B. Pilosa in over 40 diseases, scientific studies investigating the potential medicinal uses and its constituent phytochemicals for a variety of disorders are presented and discussed. However, this herb is known as hyperaccumulator and as excluder.
Keywords: Bidens Pilosa, polyacetylenes, terpenes, flavonoids, phenolic acids, biological activity.

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