Saritha Chandra*, Mudda Rajasekhar, Tatiparthi Dana Abhishek, Pasala Sai Mounika, Jugunta Anusha
Jagan’s College of Pharmacy, Jangala Kandriga (V), Muthukuru (M), Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Scope of prescribing pattern emphasize study on every pattern of therapy impose in treatment goal of Upper respiratory tract infections. Especially use and choice of drugs as mono therapy, dual therapy, triple therapy. The hallmark of determination of drug interaction and associated study on Upper respiratory tract infections complications therapy incidence was precisely covered in the study for further relevancy in therapeutic monitoring of drug with achievable dosing schedules. Focus to do observational study in patients enumerating prospective analysis of prescription pattern review. Confounding factors and findings beneficial to provide useful feedback to physician Quoting management of prescription schedules in complicated and non-complicated group of Upper respiratory tract infections patient. Advice on withdrawal or substituting the precipitant drug would be beneficial in clinical management of relevant drug-drug interactions. Strategic management of complications ascertained with selective therapy and role of drug prescribed in the study. In this study 120 patients with the diagnosis of Upper respiratory tract infections visited the general medicine department during the six months in which data was collected. Prescriptions of all 120 patients were analyzed and the following demographic details were obtained. Maximum numbers of patients were in the age group of between 1-5 years (42.33 %) and among 120 cases, males constituted 70 (60 %) and females 48 (40 %). There is a high rate of inappropriate antibiotic prescription for acute URTIs in the private health care sector. Further studies are needed to determine the population-based rates across the country. Interventions to decrease inappropriate use in such settings are urgently needed.
Keywords: Therapeutic monitoring, Upper respiratory tract infections, Antibiotic