V. Mounika1*, P. Pandu1, M. Suneetha1, N. Srinivasarao2
1Deportment of Pharmacology, Vissanapeta, Vikas College of Pharmacy, Krishna (Dt), Andhra Pradesh.
2Principal, department of pharmaceutical analysis and quality assurance, Vikas College of pharmacy, Vissanapeta, Krishna (Dt), Andhrapradesh.
Major complication of hyperlipidemia are atherosclerotic heart disease, heart attack and heart stroke, but atherosclerosis is primary cause of death. Developing countries are reliant on medicinal plants as their main source of treatment for diseases. As Dracocephalum rupestre have the native habitat the production is more so it is locally available cost effective with no side effects. As Dracocephalum rupestre is cost effective and beneficiary in metabolism of cholesterol, so it has been taken in to consideration in order “To evaluate cardio protective activity of Methanolic Extracts of Dracocephalum rupestre in triton X -100 induced hyperlipidemic rats and also to evaluate the Anti-hyperlipidemic activity of the respective extracts. And the final results showed that this plant shows the hyperlipidemic activity and also shows minimal side effects towards the liver and cardiac muscle tissues.
Keywords: Dracocephalum rupestre, hyperlipidemic activity, cardio protective