Sunday , 10 November 2024

IJCPS-2019: Volume-7, Issue-8

R E S E A E C H   A R T I C L E
Formulation and Phyto pharmacological activity of Fresh juice of Acacia arabica stem and leaves for the Treatment of variety of Dental problems

1Shinde S. A., 2Chavhan S. A., 3Bute S. D., 4Rangari V.D.
1,2, Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur Dist- Buldana (MS)
3J.L.Chaturvedi College of Pharmacy, Nagpur Dist- Nagpur(MS)
4Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2019, 7(8): 196-204
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |

R E V I E W   A R T I C L E
A Review on Imidazole Pharmacological Activities
Pooja Kumari*
Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, Rajiv Academy for Pharmacy, N.H. #2, Mathura Delhi Road, P.O. CHHATIKARA, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh (INDIA) 281001

Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2019, 7(8): 205-208
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |
R E V I E W   A R T I C L E
Review on Health benefits of Green tea
K. Surendra*, K. Mrudula, P. Kempu
Rao’s College of Pharmacy, Chemudugunta, Venkatachalam, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh-524320
Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2019, 7(8): 209-213
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |
R E S E A E C H   A R T I C L E
Analytical Method Development and Validation of Apixaban and Dehydro Impurity by Using RP-HPLC
1Suryanarayana Gottapu*, Dr. Satyaveer Singh2
1Research Scholar, School of Pharmacy, OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan
2Research Supervisor, School of Pharmacy, OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan
Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2019, 7(8): 214-217
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |
R E S E A E C H   A R T I C L E
Nanoporous Activated Carbonsfor Supercapacitive Energy Storage

Shrestha1, S. Maensiri2, S. W. Lee3, A. Rajbhandari (Nyachhyon)*4
1, 4Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Patandhoka, Lalitpur, Nepal
2School of Physics, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand.
3Research Centre for Eco Multi-Functional Nano Materials, Global Research Laboratory (GRL), Sun Moon University, Asan-si, Chungnam 31460, South Korea.
4Central Department of Chemistry, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Int. J. Chem. Pharm. Sci., 2019, 7(8): 218-226
Abstract | Full Article-PDF |

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