Wednesday , 15 January 2025

Clinical and Economic Impact of Medication Adherence in Tuberculosis Patients

T. Sravani*, K. Yeshwanth chowdary, S. Somireddy, T. Rajavardhana, M. Bhavani,  M. Geethavani
Balaji College of Pharmacy, Rudrampeta bypass, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Tuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous disease and a major health problem in developing countries. About 1/3rd of the population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Multi Drug resistant Tuberculosis (MDRTB) is the present day challenge, and up to 50 million people may be infected with drug-resistant TB, which is caused by inconsistent or partial treatment with anti TB drugs and their transmission in the community. To assess medication adherence levels in tuberculosis patients and to identify various reasons for medication non adherence in DOT’s therapy, we have chosen this study. A Prospective Observational study carried out for a period of 6 months in government hospital, Ananthapuramu. Our results shows that patients who are adherent all of the time were found to be 59% and poor adherence were found to be 31%. And the reasons for non adherence were found to be various out of which 36% of the patients were too busy and forget to take their medicines. 23% of the patients forget to take their medicines due to lack of memory. 18% of the patients stop taking their medicines due to the medication related problems. 16% of the patients stop taking their medicines due to the subsuiding symptoms. Medication adherence is one of the best things in improving the patient outcomes in both clinical and economic aspects and also reduces the health care costs in the management of tuberculosis. Our results show that medication adherence has a significant impact on the tuberculosis treatment regimen. Pharmacists have a key role in improving medication adherence by conducting patient awareness programs regarding drug usage patterns and to reduce drug related or medicated related programs Adherence monitoring plans such as home visiting and care should be sustained and home base care should be encourage.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Medication adherence, Medication related problems, Multi drug resistance tuberculosis, Pharmacist role.

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