Wednesday , 15 January 2025

A study on the effect of an insecticide malathion on the hematology of the freshwater fish “Catla catla”

R. Sudhasaravanan* and S. Binukumari
PG and Research Department of Zoology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore-641029, Tamil Nadu, India

Pollution of aquatic eco-systems is a major global problem since the past two decades. Rapid urbanization and industrialization has led to increased disposal of pollutants such as heavy metals, radio nuclides and various types of organics and inorganics into the aquatic environment. Fishes are the simple and reliable biomarkers of pollution of aquatic bodies. The blood parameters have been used as a sensitive indicator of stress in fish exposed to different water pollutants, toxicants and effluents etc. The acute and sublethal toxicity of the insecticide Malathion on the fish Catla catla was evaluated to determine its effect on the haematological values. Malathion is an organophosphorous insecticide widely used in agricultural and non agricultural purposes in India, creates a serious threat to the environment as well as target and non target organisms. LC50 value for 96 hours was calculated following probit analysis methods. Catla catla was exposed to sublethal concentration of malathion (0.8 ppm). The study revealed a declining trend of RBC, Haemoglobin and increasing trend of WBC indicated toxic effect of malathion on Catla catla.
Keywords: Malathion, Catla catla, Haematological parameters

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